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Piyush welcome you to
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Guys, You must have watched
Captain America: Civil War. In that film almost every
Avenger was present. You must have thought that Why this movie is a
Captain America movie?? Why not an
Avengers franchise. Some of our readers were asking this question to us so we decided to write an article on this. So without wasting our time here, we begin.
If you want me to explain all of this in one line then that is- "Because the film stresses additional on Cap’s struggle". Let's start.
Crossbones |
- Return of Bucky, once the events of the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes went into hiding, and he made his look again in civil war. So, the complete looks like it deal with the after-effects of the events of the last Cap movie.
Bucky Barnes |
- A major part of the story is Captain making an attempt to save Bucky from Government authorities and the Black Panther.
- It was Captain who was motivating Scarlet Witch and trying to convince the woman that the bombing in Nigeria wasn't her fault.
- The movie even has Super-Soldier Serum only a Cap movie will have them.
Super Soldier Serum |
- The Avengers debate scene in first half and the airport fight scene within the last half, represent the ‘Civil War’ component of the story. Then the rest of the movie was all about Captain, Bucky, Zemo and so on…
- Civil War additionally features the death of Peggy Carter, that scene makes good sense and emotional, only if the movie was alleged to be the last show of Cap’s trilogy.
Peggy Carter |
- Then in the whole Iron Man vs Bucky fight sequence, Tony has been portrayed as some sort of bully which scene truly favors Cap and Bucky, instead of Tony.
- At the start of the Captain’s trilogy, Steve Rogers wished to join army and he eventually became poster-boy of United States, he had trusted the Govt and was operating for them in since WW2 and by the end of the trilogy, he had lost his trust in the Government and he began to be painted as a war criminal.
Captain WW2 |
- The whole trilogy began with Steve Rogers saying those golden words, “I can do this all day”.
I can do this all day. |
It also ended with the same golden wordsThis was a nice poetic way to finish a trilogy.
- By the end of the picture, Captain has been declared as a war criminal, he even freed his friends from jail and the main focus of the scene was on Captain. It was him, who was giving Tony, some sort of assurance or hope, that he will come back, whenever the world desires him, feels like a trait of a protagonist.
Captain America Civil War |
Comment below that what do you had in your mind that why this movie wasn't an
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Have a good day.
This Piyush from Xandar World signing off. Peace.
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